.NET 2.0 offers a new feature that enables active code generation scenarios in both C# and Visual Basic .NET: partial classes. With partial classes, the code for a single class can be split across multiple class declarations, in one or more files. At compile time, the compiler locates all of the pieces of the class and assembles them into a single complied class.
In C#, partial class definitions look like this:
partial class Class1 { public void Method1 { // code to implement Method1 } } partial class Class1 { public void Method2 // code to implement Method2 } }
In Visual Basic, the same example looks like this:
Partial Public Class Class1 Public Sub Method1 ' Code to implement Method1 End Sub End Class Partial Public Class Class1 Public Sub Method2 ' Code to implement Method2 End Sub End Class
In either case, you can enable active generation by generating the code for Method1, while keeping the handcrafted code for Method2 in a separate file, untouched by CodeSmith. At compile time, the appropriate compiler will knit the two files together into a single unified class.