Looking for PLINQO for Entity Framework?

It's still LINQ to SQL, but better!
PLINQO is a replace and enhance alternative to LINQ to SQL.
PLINQO is available in C# and VB, and is compatible with any project using .NET 3.5 or greater.

PLINQO for LINQ to SQL Documentation

All of our documentation is provided in a friendly wiki format.
Please use the navigation tree on the left to locate the subject that you are interested in.

If you can not find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact us via our PLINQO Forums.

Additional Resources

Official Website


Issue Tracker

Change Log

Feature Tour

Take a lap around the PLINQO feature set. Quickly get familiar with everything PLINQO can do to make your life easier.

Take the tour!


Many have asked why should I choose LINQ to SQL. Why PLINQO? defends LINQ to SQL as a solid ORM choice.

Find out why!


We have several options for downloading PLINQO from the official release to the nightly builds.

Download PLINQO

Get Started

Getting started is easy. It only takes a few minutes and your application will be up and running.

Learn how to get started!