Many have contributed to the PLINQO Framework either by getting the word out or by providing patches, ideas and concepts that have become part of the PLINQO framework. The contributions are listed below. Thank you to each and everyone of you that have contributed in one way or another.

Blake Niemyjski
Extending the CodeSmith Generator PLINQO Templates
How-to: Preserve column names in generated PLINQO entities.

Terry Aney
Batch Updates and Deletes
LINQ to SQL Batch UpdatesDeletes Fix for Could not translate expression

Tom DuPont
Advanced Future Queries, Part 2
Advanced Future Queries, Part 1
Query Extension Support OR Operators
PLINQO Method Prefixes
How PLINQO Improves Performance

Russ Thomas
PLINQO - Converting a project from LINQ to SQL

PLINQO Blog Posts
Visual Studio Magazine - LINQ to SQL Lives On
Tony Sneed - Who is improving LINQ to SQL
Kevin Lawry - Does LINQ StinQ? Not with PLINQO
InfoQ Interview with Eric J. Smith
Pete Montgomery - Query Result Cache