The View Menu

The View menu contains eight commands:


The Code command displays the Template tab of the current template window.


The Output command displays the Output tab of the current template window.

Compiled Source

The Compiled Source command displays the Compiled Source tab of the current template window.

Template Explorer

The Template Explorer command moves the focus to the Template Explorer window.

Schema Explorer

The Schema Explorer command moves the focus to the Schema Explorer window.

Properties Window

The Properties Window command moves the focus to the Properties window.

Output Window

The Output Window command moves the focus to the Output window.

Web Browser

The Web Browser command opens a submenu with four commands:

Web Browser > Show Browser

The Show Browser command opens a new tab in the CodeSmith Studio workspace displaying a Web browser.

Web Browser > Back

The Back command navigates the current Web browser window to the previous page in the page stack.

Web Browser > Forward

The Forward command navigates the current Web browser window to the next page in the page stack.

Web Browser > Home

The Home command navigates the current Web browser window to the CodeSmith Tools site on the Web.

This feature is only available in the Professional Edition of CodeSmith.