Many to Many Relationships
Many to Many Relationships
Many to Many Relationships
This video covers the basics of many to many relationships in PLINQO. Check it out!
Almost every project requires the use of many to many relationships and LINQ to SQL does not support it. As you probably guessed, PLINQO does! Let's go through a quick sample of a many to many scencario in PLINQO. Below is a diagram of a many to many relationship between the User and Role entities.
The UserRole table before any many to many code is executed.
The code here adds a User to a Role.
using (var context = new TrackerDataContext()) { User u = context.User.GetByKey(1); Role r = context.Role.GetByKey(1); u.RoleList.Add(r); context.SubmitChanges(); }
The result in the database after the code is executed.
Read more about how PLINQO implemented many to many relationships.
Next: Query Extensions
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