For a full change log of all the new features and bug fixes for each version of CodeSmith Generator be sure to look at the CodeSmith Generator Release Notes. For information on upgrading to the latest version please see the upgrade section.

CodeSmith Generator 8.0

CodeSmith Generator 8.0 now targets version 4.6.2 of the .NET Framework. As such support for Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013 has been removed.

The installer no longer contains MSBuild support or Visual Studio Integration. If you are getting an error about a missing targets file, you’ll need to either remove the targets file from the project file or right click on your CodeSmith Generator Project File and under options remove Generate on Build and reenable it. This will remove the old targets file which is invalid and install the CodeSmith.Generator.Task NuGet package which will enable the Generate on build support.

CodeSmith Generator 7.1

CodeSmith Generator 7.0

CodeSmith Generator 6.5

CodeSmith Generator 6.0

CodeSmith Generator 6.0 now targets version 4.0 of the .NET Framework. As such support for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 has been removed.

CodeSmith Generator Studio has been removed! CodeSmith Generator 6.5 now includes CodeSmith Generator Studio.

CodeSmith Generator 5.3

CodeSmith Generator 5.2

CodeSmith Generator 5.1

CodeSmith 5.0

CodeSmith 4.1

CodeSmith 4.0

CodeSmith 3.2

CodeSmith 3.1

CodeSmith 3.0