Themes and Syntax Highlighting

Themes and Syntax Highlighting

Syntax Highlighting

The Template Editor support syntax highlighting for many different language types like C, C++, CSharp, CSS, Visual Basic, Html, Java, JavaScript, Perl, SQL, Xml and many more. 

You can see the template document and generated document in the above screenshot. As you can see the generated document (Default.html) is being shown in the html designer. This allows you to see the generated documents design view right after you generate!

The Template Editor also supports copying your Syntax Highlighting color schemes to RTF and HTML.

When you copy any part of a template document to the Windows Clipboard, an HTML and RTF copy is also placed in the clipboard. This means that when you paste into an Rich Text box, your formatting will also be copied as shown above.


The Highlighting Styles can be themed to fit your needs. The screenshot below shows a black color scheme, this can be configured in the Options dialog.

You can also change the theme of the Template Editor shell(shown below)!