Template Documents

Template documents refer to a document window that consists of a specific function. Template documents allow you to edit CodeSmith Generator templates, as well as to view the generated code from templates. Here is a general overview of the various template document types:

  • Template document: A template document gives you the ability to edit a template. A template document is highlighted in green below. Click here to learn more about the template document.
  • Generated document: A generated document shows you the generated template content. A template document will be displayed inside of the Template Editor with an orange tab, as shown below. Click here to learn more about the generated document.

You can have multiple documents open at the same time in the Template Editor. You can switch between documents by clicking on a documents tab. A documents tab is located at the top of a documents' design surface as highlighted in orange below.

In the screenshot above, a template document is displayed on the left and a generated document is shown on the right.