Using Extended Properties

Using Extended Properties

One can use Extended Properties to extend the generated code. These extended properties can do anything from business object types, naming conventions, descriptions and much more. Below is a list of all of the extended property names and valid values that the CSLA templates use.

Please see the following document for a full list of all of the extended properties used to specify the business object type of a view or stored procedure.
Extended Property NameData TypeDescription
CS_DescriptionStringControls the description of a property or class.
CS_AliasStringControls the property or class name.
CS_FriendlyNameStringControls the friendly name that is generated for the Business Objects PropertyInfo's.
CS_DefaultStringControls the default value of a generated property.
CS_IsGenericBooleanIf true, then an entity will be generated with generic brackets.
CS_IsIdentityBooleanMarks a property as an identity column.
CS_IsComputedBooleanMarks a property as a computed column.
CS_ManyToManyBooleanTreats a relationship as a many to many if the table has at-least two FK columns.
CS_IsScalarFunctionBooleanIf set, a Command Entity will be treated as a function.
CS_IsTableValuedFunctionBooleanIf set, a Command Entity will be treated as a function.
CS_IsInlineTableValuedFunctionBooleanIf set, a Command Entity will be treated as a function.
CS_IsMultiStatementTableValuedFunctionBooleanIf set, a Command Entity will be treated as a function.