Using Extended Properties

SchemaExplorer allows you to retrieve a great deal of information about objects within your database. If you're using a RDBMS (E.G., SQL Server) database, you'll find some of the most useful information in the ExtendedProperties collections of the various objects. These collections contain the extended properties that the RDBMS defines for database objects.


For example, SQL Server defines an extended property that tells you whether a table column is an identity column, which you can retrieve with the "CS_IsIdentity" extended property key as shown below.

The ExtendedProperties collection is a dictionary defined with a string key and an object value (E.G., List<string, object>).
Identity Field = <% foreach(ColumnSchema cs in SourceTable.Columns) { 
    if( ((bool)cs.ExtendedProperties["CS_IsIdentity"].Value) == true) {
} %>

A better way to retreive this value would be to use the SchemaExplorer.ExtendedPropertyNames utility class and ExtendedProperty Extension methods.

To use any of the SchemaExplorer Extension methods, please be sure to import the SchemaExplorer.Extensions namespace.

The SchemaExplorer.ExtendedPropertyNames class contains string constants of all Schema Provider defined extended properties. This gives you Intellisense for extended property key names as well as compile time checking! The  The below code sample has been updated to use this utility class. The example below will show off how to use Extended Properties GetByKey Extension method for retrieving and converting extended property values to the correct type.

Identity Field = <% foreach(ColumnSchema cs in SourceTable.Columns) {
    if(cs.ExtendedProperties.GetByKey<bool>(SchemaExplorer.ExtendedPropertyNames.IsIdentity) == true) {
} %>

Default Extended Properties

CodeSmith Generator defines standard extended properties for table columns, view columns, and command parameters:

The ExtendedProperties collection is a dictionary defined with a string key and an object value (E.G., List<string, object>).

Table Column

Extended Property KeySchemaExplorer.ExtendedPropertyName Property NameDescription
CS_DescriptionDescriptionThe Description
CS_IsRowGuidColIsRowGuidColumnThe Column is a Row Guid
CS_IsIdentityIsIdentityIdentity Column
CS_IsComputedIsComputedComputed Column or Index
CS_IsDeterministicIsDeterministicColumn is Deterministic
CS_IdentitySeedIdentitySeedIdentity Seed
CS_IdentityIncrementIdentityIncrementIdentity Increment
CS_SystemTypeSystemTypeThe System Type (E.G., System.String)
CS_DefaultDefaultValueThe default value

View Column

Extended Property KeySchemaExplorer.ExtendedPropertyName Property NameDescription
CS_DescriptionDescriptionThe Description
CS_IsComputedIsComputedComputed Column or Index
CS_IsDeterministicIsDeterministicColumn is Deterministic

Command Parameter

Extended Property KeySchemaExplorer.ExtendedPropertyName Property NameDescription
CS_DescriptionDescriptionThe Description
CS_DefaultDefaultValueThe default value

In addition, every object has a CS_Description extended property, but the standard Description property provides a shortcut to the same information.

Extended Property KeySchemaExplorer.ExtendedPropertyName Property NameDescription
CS_DescriptionDescriptionThe Description

Using CodeSmith to Manage Extended Properties

CodeSmith Generator offers an easy way to manage Extended Properties through the Template Explorer's SchemaExplorer Control.

Manually Adding Extended Properties

You can also create your own extended properties within your SQL Server database by using the sp_addextendedproperty stored procedure. For example, this T-SQL statement adds a Caption property to the ID column of the Customers table:

sp_addextendedproperty 'caption', 'Customer ID', 'user', dbo, 'table', Customers, 'column', id

After you execute this statement in your SQL Server database, the Caption property will show up in this column's ExtendedProperties collection in CodeSmith Generator.